Thursday, June 2, 2011

Unlocateable Clicking from engine area?

I was changing the belts on my 1990 Pontiac Grand Am, the main pully sets behind the right fron tire, so i had to take off the tire and the plastic guard in wheel well. After getting all the new belts on and in place, I went to re-mount the tire, and the jack sliped out from where it had been at, and the car fell about 1/2 inch from my leg and hand. Ok first thing is first, go ahead call me an idiot, it was my fault, bad placing and should have used jack stands, I deserve it, feel free to call me whatever you want. Now, after I put it all back together I started it and went to drive it a bit to see how bad I messed it up. The car runs fine, no pulling, no obvious signs of internal engine damage, but the only thing is, there is a clicking noise comming from right around the power steering pump (FYI PS pump set on pass. side cloer to firewall) The clicking is reletive to engine speed, I have looked for eveything I can think of, need ideas and thoughts, please help if you have any input.Unlocateable Clicking from engine area?dont feel badly. i did this too. ok so we are both idiots. lol. i bent a thin metal plate on the wheel hub. look around wheel/rotor and see if u did same. good luck.Unlocateable Clicking from engine area?easy to fix, jack it back up pull the tire off , an be hine the hub you see a dust cover, made of tin,, find where it touching the hub, pull it out away from the hub, ,,,you ready to go

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